1. Access bank – *901#
  2. Eco bank – *326#
  3. FCMB – *329#
  4. Fidelity Bank – *770#
  5. First bank – *894#
  6. GT bank – *737#
  7. Heritage Bank – *745#
  8. Keystone Bank – *7111#
  9. Kuda Bank – *894#
  10. Opay – *955#
  11. Polaris – *833#
  12. Stanbic IBTC Bank – *909#
  13. Sterling Bank – *822#
  14. UBA – *919#
  15. Unity bank – *779#
  16. Wema bank – *945#
  17. Zenith Bank – *966#

  1. For airtime recharge, the new code is *311* Voucher PIN #
  2. To check MTN airtime balance, the new code is *310#
  3. To borrow airtime, dial *303#
  4. To buy data, dial *312#
  5. To share data, dial *321#
  6. To check your data balance, dial *323#
  7. For MTN Value-added Services, dial *305#
  8. To link your NIN to your MTN line, dial *996#
  9. To check your MTN phone number, *123*1*1#
  10. To change transfer pin, *321*Default PIN*New PIN*New PIN# where 0000 is the default pin
  11. To check your NIN — *996#
  12. To  check VAS — *305#
  13. To Share services — *321#

  1. Checking the presence of NIC = netsh wlan show interface
  2. Checking NIC drive = netsh wlan show drivers
  3. Checking the functionality of the NIC = ping
  4. Assigning this IP address with this gateway = netsh interface ip set address name="wireless network connection 3" static
  5. Removing IP address = netsh interface ip set address name="wireless network connec

tion 3" DHCP

  1. View my IP address = ipconfig /all OR netsh interface ipv4 show addresses
  2. Verifying connection to this IP address = ping
  3. Viewing the connected computers = net view
  4. Viewing the IP address of all the connected computers = arp -a
  5. Set the system to obtain it IP address automatically = netsh interface ip set address name="wireless network connection 3" DHCP
  6. Turn on network discovery= netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="network discovery" new enable=yes
  7. Turn off network discovery= netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="network discovery" new enable=no
  8. Turn on file sharing= netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="file and printer sharing" new enable=yes
  9. Turn off file sharing= netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="file and printer sharing" new enable=no
  10. Viewing the available network profile = netsh wlan show profile
  11. Viewing the password of a specific network profile = netsh wlan show profile name=AHMADNET key=clear
  12. Starting a network profile = netsh wlan connect AHMADNET
  13. Stopping a network profile = netsh wlan disconnect interface="wireless network connection 3”
  14. Deleting a network profile = netsh wlan delete profile name=AHMADNET
  15. Deleting all the available network profile = netsh wlan delete profile name=*
  16. Creating a hosted network = netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid= SAHLAN key "TECHNOLOGY"
  17. Enabling a hosted network = netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=SAHLAN key="123456789”
  18. Disabling a hosted network = netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=disallow ssid=SAHLAN key="123456789”
  19. Staring a hosted network = netsh wlan start hostednetwork
  20. Stopping a hosted network = netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
  21. Viewing the available hosted network = netsh wlan show hostednetwork
  22. Viewing the password of a hosted network = netsh wlan show hostednetwork setting=security
  23. Converting infrastructure network to ad hoc network = netsh wlan set profileparameter name=sahlanpc ConnectionType=IBSS
  24. Auto starting a network = netsh wlan set profileparameter name=sahlanpc Connectionmode=auto
  25. Stop auto starting a network = netsh wlan set profileparameter name=sahlanpc Connectionmode=manual
  26. View the default computer name = hostname
  27. Change the computer name from Sahlan2 to Computer-1 = wmic computersystem where caption="SAHLAN2" rename "computer
  28. Setting the workgroup name to TECNOLOGY= wmic computersystem where name="%computername%" call joindomainorworkgroup name="TECHNOLOGY"
  29. Share Sahlan folder in D: = net share MyDDrive=D:
  30. Share HDD = net share MyHDrive=C:
  31. Share ODD = net share MyODrive=F:
  32. Share students document file in C Drive = net share "student files"=c:student
  33. View the shared folder on the system= net share
  34. Delete shared items = net share "student files" /delete  or net share d: /delete
  35. View the index number of a network adapter = wmic  nic get name, index
  36. How to turn on wireless adapter = wmic path Win32_NetworkAdapter where index=21 call enable OR wmic path Win32_NetworkAdapter where NetConnectionID="Wireless Network Connection 3" call enable

md C:UsersDellDesktopAliyu // It create single folder on desktop called Aliyu
md C:UsersDellDesktopAliyumusaisasani // it create sani folder in isa in musa in Aliyu
C:>md Ali sani adam // make multiple folders at once called Ali, sani and adam in C: you have to navigate to where  you want to create the folders

ren C:UsersDellDesktopAliyusaleh Anas // it renaem saleh to Anas

start C:UsersDellDesktopAliyuAnas // it opens subfolder Anas

taskkill /f /im explorer.exe // this closes all folders then run
start explorer.exe

rd C:UsersDellDesktopAliyuAnas // delete an empty folder called Anas
rd /s C:UsersDellDesktopAliyuAnas // delete folder called Anas with sub files and folders in it, it request permission
rd /s /q C:UsersDellDesktopAliyuAnas // delete folder called Anas with sub files and folders in it, it request permission

copy C:UsersDellDesktopAliyuAnas C:Annas // copy files of a folder from Anas folder to Annas folder in C: without if folders
Xcopy /E C:UsersDellDesktopAliyuAnas C:Annas // copy all folder contents from Anas folder to Annas folder in C: without if folders, but ask for permission
Xcopy /E /Q C:UsersDellDesktopAliyuAnas C:Annas // copy all folder contents from Anas folder to Annas folder in C: without if folders, without asking for permission

move C:UsersDellDesktopAliyuAnas C:Annas // move all Anas contents to Annas folder in C:

C:>attrib +h /s /d annas // hide annas folder in c:

C:>attrib +h /s /d annas // unhide annas folder in c:

@echo off
c:windowssystem32cmd.exe /k %windir%System32 eg.exe ADD HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f


Database is a collection of useful information arranged in tabular forms, it is made of up field known as column and record known as row, the following can be done in database

  1. Table: it is the structure that hold the information in rows and column
  2. Form: it is the interface use for inputting the data to the table
  3. Query: It is the filter of some selected information that is useful at that specific time
  4. Report: It is the summery of some selected information needed for as a record

The most common application used for Database in Visual basic Applications are Microsoft Access and SQL.

How To Create Access Data Base

  1. Press Win + R
  2. Type msaccess and press enter
  3. Click on Blank Database
  4. Type the data base name (use MyDatabase as the database name)
  5. Click on Create

How To Create Table In Access Data Base

  1. Click on View
  2. Type the table name (use MyTable as the table name)
  3. Type the column name under Field name and Select the data type of each, ie
  1. SerialNumber As Short Text
  2. StudentName As Short Text
  3. PhoneNumber As Short Text
  4. Address As Long Text
  5. Gender As Short Text
  6. Image As OLE Object
  7. Passport As Long Text
  1. Click On View again
  2. Click on Save

Note: Always use camel casing when naming your Database, Table and Columns. And also you must try to avoid using reserved word such as Name, Unit, Class, image etc at all cost.

How To Import Database To Your Vb Project

  1. Create a project and design a beautiful form.
  2. Click on Data source (Press Shift+Alt+D if it is not there)
  3. Click on Add New Data source
  4. Click on Database and click on Next
  5. Click on DataSet and click on Next
  6. Click on New connection and click on browse to browse for the database
  7. Click on Test connection and click on Ok if it is successful
  8. Click on Next
  9. Click on Yes if you want to copy the Database to the application folder (But you will be losing your data every time you restart the application till you compile it and give administrative permission to the application folder) or
  10. Click on No to maintain the location of the database (But you have to copy the database to a folder in C: and change the database file path in the Configuration file of the application)
  11. Click on Next
  12. Check the 2 check box and click on Finish.

Note: you have to Click on configure Data source with Wizard whenever you make changes to your database.

How To Add Table To Your Form

  1. Click on Data Source
  2. Click on the Database Table
  3. Click on it Drop down Arrow and select DataGridView if you want to see the table in tabular form or Click on Details view to see the table as a data entry point.
  4. Drag the table to the form.

Place both the data grid view and the details view on the form to make it looks like this, but change the control of the images field to picture box

Do you notice that there is no ID on the details view? I click on them and press delete.  So also on the data grid view, I remove it by clicking the data grid view menu arrow, edit columns, click on ID, click on Remove, click on OK.

The serial Number column is also not very wide because I reduced it by clicking the menu arrow, edit columns, click on the serial number, and change the wide properties to 70.


How To Code The Buttons


Add Button



Save Button




Delete Button



Previous Button



Next Button



First Button



Last Button



Upload Button Picture

Dim dlg As New OpenFileDialog

If dlg.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then

HotoPictureBox.Image = Image.FromFile(dlg.FileName)

End If


Upload Button Sound

Dim dlg As New OpenFileDialog

If dlg.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then

MuryaTextBox.Text = dlg.FileName

End If


Code on Listen Sound Button

  My.Computer.Audio.Play(VoiceTextBox.Text) where VoiceTextBox is the textbox that contains the sound file path


Code on Read Text Button

Dim tts = CreateObject("Sapi.spvoice")

tts.speak(RichTextBox1.Text) where RichTextBox1 is the RichTextBox that contains the text to read


Code Trackbar

  My.Settings.soundrate = TrackBar1.Value


  TrackBar1.Value = My.Settings.soundrate


(TrackBar1.Value = My.Settings.soundrate ' trackbar value from application setting on form load)



Code on search

StudentTableBindingSource.Filter = ("SN like '%" & TextBox1.Text & "%'") // where SN is the exact column name and textbox1.text is where to type the search item


Code on Search Text Box (to auto search when checkbox is checked)

If CheckBox1.Checked Then

StudentTableBindingSource.Filter = ("SN like '%" & TextBox1.Text & "%'")

End If


Code on Search  (when combo box is used)

If ComboBox1.Text = "Serial No" Then

            StudentTableBindingSource.Filter = ("SN like '%" & TextBox1.Text & "%'")

        ElseIf ComboBox1.Text = "Name" Then

            StudentTableBindingSource.Filter = ("SName like '%" & TextBox1.Text & "%'")

        ElseIf ComboBox1.Text = "Unit" Then

            StudentTableBindingSource.Filter = ("Units like '%" & TextBox1.Text & "%'")

        ElseIf ComboBox1.Text = "Phone No" Then

            StudentTableBindingSource.Filter = ("Phone like '%" & TextBox1.Text & "%'")

        ElseIf ComboBox1.Text = "Address" Then

            StudentTableBindingSource.Filter = ("Address like '%" & TextBox1.Text & "%'")

        ElseIf ComboBox1.Text = "Paid" Then

            StudentTableBindingSource.Filter = ("Paid like '%" & TextBox1.Text & "%'")

        ElseIf ComboBox1.Text = "Balance" Then

            StudentTableBindingSource.Filter = ("Balance like '%" & TextBox1.Text & "%'")


            MsgBox("Invalid Input")

        End If


Code on Search Text Box when combo box is used (to auto search when checkbox is checked)

If CheckBox1.Checked Then

            If ComboBox1.Text = "Serial No" Then

                StudentTableBindingSource.Filter = ("SN like '%" & TextBox1.Text & "%'")

            ElseIf ComboBox1.Text = "Name" Then

                StudentTableBindingSource.Filter = ("SName like '%" & TextBox1.Text & "%'")

            ElseIf ComboBox1.Text = "Unit" Then

                StudentTableBindingSource.Filter = ("Units like '%" & TextBox1.Text & "%'")

            ElseIf ComboBox1.Text = "Phone No" Then

                StudentTableBindingSource.Filter = ("Phone like '%" & TextBox1.Text & "%'")

            ElseIf ComboBox1.Text = "Address" Then

                StudentTableBindingSource.Filter = ("Address like '%" & TextBox1.Text & "%'")

            ElseIf ComboBox1.Text = "Paid" Then

                StudentTableBindingSource.Filter = ("Paid like '%" & TextBox1.Text & "%'")

            ElseIf ComboBox1.Text = "Balance" Then

                StudentTableBindingSource.Filter = ("Balance like '%" & TextBox1.Text & "%'")


                MsgBox("Invalid Input")

            End If

        End If


INTRODUCTION (No system is safe)

Computer are now everywhere, use by different people, doing different kind of things, some are good while some are bad, some action are beneficial while some actions are harmful.

These computers are essential in our life because they hold our vital and our secret information which are stored in banks, hospitals, telecommunications companies, militaries, and governments.

I don’t have to tell you that, the information stored in their computers have to stay safe and secure.

What will you feel if someone can access your medical records, which consist of your HIV status, hepatitis, and diabetes? And he what everyone in your area to know.

How will you feel as the owner of MTN Company when a bad guy can see the entire recharge card you store on your server trying to show them to public?

What do you think will happen when kidnappers know every detail of your government official, their income and their locations?

Lastly, what do you think will happen when thieves can access and control people’s money in banks?

Cyber security is what makes you trust banks with your money, trust telecommunications with your airtime and bandwidth and also trust hospital with your records.

Without cyber security, computer will be useless and cannot do what it's doing today. Cyber security is what keeps computer working and it is what makes the world developing and also it is what gives us peace and tranquility.

So the need for cyber security “Is to protect our secret and vital information that are stored in computers because many people are trying to use those information to blackmail or sabotage our life

What is cyber security?

Cyber security is the process of protecting computer resources from harm, theft and unauthorized access.

Harm means: Causing malfunction to the computer through adding (keep) malicious files to the computer, deleting, corrupting, cutting, renaming, changing, or moving an important or system files such as drivers, boot loader, DLL file and application file. Damaging or modifying a driver or system files lead to serious malfunction of component, peripheral and the entire system (I will teach you how to prevent the delete, changing, renaming, cutting and moving on your computer system).

Theft means: To copy, move or steal something from the computer system which may be soft copy or hardware. (I will teach you how to prevent coping and moving).

Unauthorized access means: To enter into computer both locally or remotely without the will and knowledge of the system owner just to see, hear or do what you are not supposed to see, hear or do. such as seeing what he is doing at that time, which site he visited, the username and password he used, which cloth he is wearing and who are around him, where he is staying, what is he is typing, which film is he watching, who is he charting with, what he is saying, and also changing the system setting and configurations


          What are we protecting? And from whom to protect? As a security analyst or specialist, you have to be able to protect all these 5 computer resources from harm, theft or unauthorized access:

  1. FILES: files are anything you keep or store on your computer for future use such as pictures, audios, videos, text files, etc.
  2. FOLDERS: they are the directories that the  files are kept in, e.g My Music, My Document, Desktop, User Account etc
  3. PROGRAMS (APPLICATIONS): These are the installed software on the computer such as Media Player, Browsers, CorelDraw, Games, Activities, Database, etc.
  4. COMPONENTS: They are the hardware  that are found inside the computer such as HDD, ODD, USB, NIC, Web cam, Speaker
  5. PERIPHERALS: They are the hardware that are attached outside the component such as Printer, Scanner, Flash, External Hard disk, Monitor, Keyboard, and Mouse etc.

You should know that system security, cyber security, IT security and computer security all means the same thing. But there are other courses that are derive from them such as:

  1. Window security: protecting the resources of computer running window O.S. from harm, theft, and unauthorized access.
  2. Server security: the protection of the server from harm, theft and unauthorized access.
  3. Network security: the protection of group of computer connected together from harm, theft and unauthorized access.

Cyber security professions

As a student of cyber security, you have to know that there are different professions under cyber security in which every one of them has a specific task to carry, some of them are

  1. Forensic Analyst: He asses and investigate devices and systems to find, collect and recovered data to produce clear information especially during crime investigation.
  2. IT security specialist: He design and developed strategies to protect computer resources within an organization from cyber-attacks.
  3. Security Analyst: Analyze and assess security profile of a systems or organization and implement security measures to protect the systems and the company infrastructure.
  4. Security Manager: He head the security section of a place and make sure security protocols and rules are followed and implement at all time.
  5. Security Consultant: He examine the current security profile of an organization and help them identify and suggest best way to improve their security.
  6. Chief information officer: He ensure that the data and information of an organization is protected from data breach by enforcing security policy that must be followed by everyone.

From these professions, we can now see that the person that study cyber security can be called Forensic Analyst, Security Specialist, Security Analyst, Security Manager, Security Consultant and Chief information officer based on the work he do in an organization.

Who are hackers?

Hackers are those professionals that can have unauthorized access to your computer, harm or steal from your computer with or without your will or knowledge.

Types of hackers

There are 2 types of hackers:

  1. White Hat hacker: Are hackers that hacks with the will or knowledge of the system owner for security test or upgrade.
  2. Black hat hackers: are hackers that hacks without the will or knowledge of the system owner for selfish interest. Generally, whenever the word “Hacker” is used, it refers to this type of hacker and it’s whom we are protecting the computer resources from.

Note That, I did not say good intension or bad intention because the good intention that leads you to hack may be bad intention for the system owner or the law.

Why do people hack?

Every hacker has his own motive (Reason) for hacking; here are some of the reasons why people hack

  1. As a business carrier: some people learn and hack with ethics they are lived to test the strength of computer or network security and get paid by finding and scanning the vulnerable sport. They are called White hat hackers or pentesters
  2. For educational purpose: Some people hack to test what they have learn, they do so with the concept of the network or system owner.
  3.  To call attention: Some people hack to call attention of others by proving their point.
  4. To be fame: Some people hack because they want to be known by everyone, they want to be popular or someone that everyone talks about.
  5. To sabotage: others hack so as to destroy or tarnish the image of someone by making him useless in his own locality.
  6. Propagating ideology: Some people hack so as to have wider scope or media of reaching mass population so as to broadcast their ideology, be it relational, political or pratanical.
  7. Pay back: Some people hack for revenge of what happen to them at past by their working place, employee or individual.
  8. To win: Some people hack to win war, battle or competition by hacking, destroying their opponent.
  9. To make money: Some people hack to make black money.
  10. Blackmail: To force someone to do what he is not willing to do

The steps, stages and techniques used by hackers

Hackers spent time trying to find a vulnerable sport on you, your computer or your network before they finally attack you. They follow these 5 simple steps:

Have motive: Motive is the reasons for the hacking such as investigation, stealing, revenge etc, do you remember the reasons we discussed earlier?

Finding suitable target and person of interest: for a hacking to be successfully, you need to find the target that has what you need (Person of interest) and is easy to hack with no footprint left (Suitable target), sometimes the person of interest may be your suitable target because he is easy to hack, or he might not be but his friends, family or siblings are, because they are easier to hack. Remember, real hackers leave no footprint. So always go for soft target

Data needed: You have to know what are the necessary information you need for you to achieve what you want, these information are your road to the success, these  information can be the victims information such as his name, phone number, where he live, his siblings, what he like and what he don't like, who are his friends, what he have that will benefit the hacker, what he is hiding to the public, the social groups he is interested in, where and what he is studying. And it can be the his device information such as the location of your device or network, the PC operating system, it uptime, online status, name and location of the important files, some of your installed apps that can be easily attacked, the available USB and com port

By knowing this information, it will be easier for them to trick you, blackmail you, and have access to what they want from you.

How to get and use those information: you have to secretly acquire those information and use them serially from one information to another, you must have at least one information before you can be able to generate the rest of the information

  1. First follow him to see his friends
  2. Then collect his number from his friends
  3. Then know his name from the phone number using MTN momo code (*671#)
  4. Smuggle his phone to know his BVN by dialing (*565*0#)
  5. Then Know his real name by dialing ((*565*1#)

Both the victims and the device information can be known using these 5 methods:

  1. Physical contact: This is to follow the victim to his location, they can come to you directly and have a look at your computer and it resources to do their dirty work like attaching something to your computer, installing a key logger to the steal or sabotage the system or network because some hacking cannot be done remotely. So the solution to this is to never allow anyone near your computer or network and always detach or remove anything on your computer that you don't know who attach or install it.
  2. Bugged file or Application (Trojan): Since they know what you like most, they may send a file of it like picture, handout, article or application. These files contains a hidden instruction or code that can steal your vital information such as password, browser history, credit card details, online account credentials and lots more. With these information they can log into your computer, log into your social media account, they can also buy things online with your credit card details. You can avoid this by not opening or downloading any file without verifying and visiting the sender.
  3. Bugged link: Since they know the site you are interested in, they may send you a link telling you to follow the link to your desired site, forum, group or even bank. The moment you click on the link you are hacked because, the link contains  hidden code or instruction that will breach your privacy or it will take you to  place where you would be asked to make verifications requesting your email, password pin or card number. The moment you give these information to them, then you are gone for sure. So observe any link sent to you, carefully verify and confirm before you click on it. (I will show you how to create a bugged link and show you how it is fake)
  4. Phishing: Since they know the site you are interested in, such as Facebook and Gmail. They now fake the website and make it look exactly like the original one, they now sent you a link to access the website, The moment you input your login details into the site, it will not go to Facebook or Gmail, the hacker now use the information you submitted to access your real account and change the login details so that you cannot login again.  They will now be using the account to lure your friends and other people, they may fake your bank website and ask you to make some verification of your card by asking you to verify your name, card number, type of card, pin, card secret code and it expiration date. They can now use this information you gave them to buy online materials and you cannot hold anyone responsible. These people can forge the site but one thing they can never forge is the site address. So know the correct site address of every site you are visiting.
  5. Social engineering: since they now know something about you such as your name and phone number. They now make a friendly contact like phone call, chat, email or SMS and lure you to tell or give them what they want about yourself, your computer or your account. They may tell you that they are calling from your work place, or your bank, or someone you know. To avoid this, never give out your sensitive details such as your pin, password, card detail location and even your name online. If your bank, workplace or other needs such information, go to the place directly and give them.

Launch the attack: Launching the attack means to do or acquire what you intend to do or acquire, it is the proof of the motive, either it is successful or not.

The 5 techniques used for securing computer and its resources

In other to protect your computer and its resources from hack (harm, theft and unauthorized access) you have to implement these layers of security. These layers can be single or combined, the higher your security layers the tougher to breach or hack. These techniques are:

Prevention: This is the process of denying a perpetrator to perform actions on a computer or a network for security purpose, such actions are: opening or running (accessing), modifying or changing, creating, copying, deleting, renaming, moving, or keeping etc. Prevention can be done using the following techniques:

  1. User right permission
  2. Microsoft management console (MMC)
  3. Registry editing
  4. Third party software. The detail practice is in chapter3

Passwording: Passwords are secrete combinations that can be used to grant or deny access to computer and its recourses. Password can be of different forms such as:

  1. Password                                          e. Image
  2. Pin                                                    f. Time frame
  3. Pattern                                              g. Location
  4. Sound                                               h. Altitude

Single or multiple password can be used for better security, Password can be set to access or protect the following:

  1. Bios ( basic input output software)
  2. User account
  3. File
  4. Folder
  5. USB port
  6. Storage unit
  7. Programs

Also the following methods can be used to set the password and it policy:

  1. Bios                                                             d) User account
  2. MMC                                                           e) Note pad
  3. Application                               

Encryption: This is the process of changing the physical appearance of a file content to something that is not meaningful or understandable. This process can be done with the following:

  1. Changing font style in word processor like MS word
  2. Programs such as sahlan encoder.
  3. Sahlan font coder

Steganography: This is the process of hiding file, message or content on a plain sight. The hidden message is visible to everyone but not the way that call attention of the viewer. It is a way of hiding massage in a message like embedding text message on picture or hiding audio or video message on a single character of text in Microsoft word. There are various methods of steganography, such methods are:  

  1. Embedding: Hiding message behind a message like text on picture
  2. Text formatting: Bolding, italic, underlining, changing font style or font color of the unit characteristics of the message.
  3. Typo: This is the process of making an intentional error in typing in which correcting the spelling will lead to understanding the hidden message
  4. Linking: Hiding the message in a web link which can be online or offline, the real message can be accessed by identifying and clicking the hidden link.
  5. Language: Using different language in a language to hide message like using Hausa words in an English documents. The hidden message can be recovered by isolating the guest language.
  6. Timing: Hiding message under time or clock in which the time showing by the clock represent the hidden message or code that can be used to access the message or it can be a movie display at a specific time. This message can be accessed by pausing the video at that specific time and observe what's behind the video, other methods can be musical note, flashing light, drawing a cartoon, voice change, talking pattern etc.

Steganography is the best security techniques because it can be easily formed but difficult to understand except to only those that knows the method.

Precaution: This is the process of taking a simple, necessary and important steps to protect yourself against hacking. They are the only techniques that does not require a special skill but very effective. The necessary steps are:

  1. Conceal location: This is the process of hiding the location of your computer system in order to avoid physical contact, theft or sabotage.
  2. Physical avoidance: Do not allow any one near your computer system to avoid tempering with your system.
  3. Physical lock: physically lock your computer system in order to avoid theft of the system and its resources.
  4. Offline techniques: Always leave your system in offline mode except when you want to use the network be it Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or internet. Be careful with free network, because hackers use this method to lure you to be online so that they can have remote access to your computer system you should also be careful with those that ask you to switch on your Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. They may also want to have a remote access.
  5. Proprietary: This is the method of making your own software or hardware if possible. Because no one can hack a proprietary O.S without a thorough research .This method is one of the best method adopted by banks for their data base and other sensitive places like military and other security agencies.

Hardware use for security technique

There are several hardware needed to use by hackers or security analyst to attack or counter attack, such tactical gears are:

  1. Flash drive: It is use for copying, making live disk, bootable flash, login password cracker and system key.
  2. External HDD: It is use for backing up, disk image making, disk cloning making, and all the function of flash drive.
  3. Wireless router: It is use to create and have remote access.
  4. Modem: It is use to have internet access.
  5. Card reader: It is use to read and write SD card.
  6. Optical disk drive: it is use to read and write on optical disk.
  7. Optical disk: it is also use for copying, live disk making, making bootable disk, and login password breaker.
  8. USB data cable: For transferring data and information between computer and other mobile devices like photos and others
  9. Network cable: For connecting between two or more PC.
  10. Live disk: It use to run the computer from the connected removable disk and allow to temper with the files that cannot be tempered with.
  11. Bootable Disk: It is use for system formatting, password cracking and other security operations.

Other requirement are external keyboards, mouse, camera, big screen monitor, USB hub etc.

Software used for security techniques

Security measures cannot be achieved without using some windows default application or other third party application. Some of these windows applications are:

  1. Note pad: for creating batch files.
  2. Windows registry: For editing system registry entries
  3. Command prompt: For performing operations that cannot be done on windows such as disk part and password cracking.
  4. Microsoft management console (mmc): For changing or modifying the core system settings and configuration on windows operating system such as hiding, removing and disabling the system functions.
  5. Bit locker: For Passwording the system hand disk drive.
  6. Security tab of folder properties: For modifying the user right permission.

Other non-default windows application used for security techniques

  1. WinRAR: shield file or folder against malware and also use for passwording file or folder.
  2. Deep freeze: It prevent change to computer such as setting and configuration, saving on the computer and also virus effect, the system will automatically restore itself at restart.
  3. Tor: It is a browser that gives you access to deep web and also hide your activities or footprint. It is always advisable to use Tor when online activities.
  4. Virtual machine: It is a software that enable you to create a virtual computer on your PC which can be used for security practice and testing malware effect. It can be easily repairable when there is problem on the computer without affecting the host PC. It is strongly advisable to always practice on virtual machine not on you PC to avoid system crash, the installing and using virtual machine will be discussed at chapter 2.
  5. Windows password cracker: It is a small utility that can be used on flash or optical disk which can be use to remove login password, bypass the login password and unlock window account. You can learn more of how to use these software at chapter 5.
  6. Partition assistant: It is use for disk cloning and partition recovery during forensic investigation. You can clone the HDD of a suspect without you taking his system and you can also recover all he delete or format from the system.
  7.  Recover my files: It is also a data recovery software that can restore deleted or formatted data.
  8. Cane and Abel: It is a security software that is use to decipher or decrypt login password from SAM file.
  9. PRORAT: It is a software use to create Trojan horse or spyware.
  10.  PassFab: It is a software that can recover password of a zipped document
  11. Hide storage unit: It is use to hide all the storage device like HDD, ODD and removable disk with password protection.
  12. Key logger: It is a software that record all your activities on the computer such as Key press, App used, site visited and login account details. It is also password protected and can submit to your link email account
  13. Add/Take ownership: It is a software that can allow you to copy or modify system files such as CMD, SethC, SAM etc.
  14. Kid key lock: It is used to password protect your keyboard, you have to type the correct sequence before you activate the keyboard.
  15. Hide desktop Icons/ Taskbar: It is use for hiding and unhiding system desktop, icons and taskbar using a shortcut key
  16. All password stealer: It is use for data mining of browsing activities, wireless password and other login credentials. It gives you the site visited, the user name you use and also the password you use.
  17. Operating system such as Windows, Linux, and Android ISO files. It can be used for making bootable and live disk.
  18. Key tweak: It is use for modifying the functions of key on a keyboard
  19. USB disk security: It is use for blocking USB port for coping and pasting.
  20. Win TO USB: For making window live disk.
  21. WinSetupFromUSB/Rufus: For making bootable disk.
  22. Autohotkey: For combing a multiple key stroke or combination or function on one key. Such as pressing CTRL + Shift + N to be on Z key. Pressing the Z key will now trigger the function of CTRL+Shift+N.
  23. PSexec:  It is use for remote access and operation through command prompt. You can open and use the application of a remote computer from your computer using the right command of the Psexec.

The hacker’s secret

  1. Hacking is a modern magic, it's all about deceiving. This means that you can do a simple computer trick that is not known to people but they will think you use a special skill to do so e.g. you can install a simple key logger on the victim's computer that record all his typing including his password and browsing details and use the login details sent to your email to access his computer, his email and all his social media account. He will think you spent days and night on computer typing coding, and hacking his account while the real answer is No
  2. No one can hack a computer that is not powered on. So don't allow someone to fool you by making you power on your computer while not in use.
  3. Remote hacking can only be possible if there is connection between your computer and the hacker's computer be it wireless, Ethernet or cabled. So only a computer that has a connection or physical contact that can be hacked else the hacking cannot be possible
  4. For a remote monitoring and control, the hacker must have an agent on the victim computer that agent can be hardware or software installed either locally or remotely.
  5. As a security analyst or hacker, you have to be ready to spent money on softwares, internet services, online help and security gadgets, else you can’t do what others can do.
  6. You are hacked, if someone enter your computer without your will or knowledge to see or do what he is not supposed to, Be it simple or heavy damage or even without damage.

What you should avoid for your safety (Safety tips)

  1. Never try on someone’s computer without his will or knowledge to avoid criminal act
  2. You should never teach someone without solid and genuine reason like educational purpose
  3. Always use VMware for your practice so as not  to damage your system
  4. Always use Tor browser when using internet so as to have full access and to avoid monitoring.
  5. Never exploit someone database, website or network (especially government, military or cooperate organization).