Our Profile


Sahlearn technology is an educative institution that is officially established on 22nd August 2012 by it CEO Aliyu Saleh Muhammad Ajajah. It is located at No 4 Constitutional hill road, UTC bypass, Jos, Plateau state and also at No 22 beside Tilden Fulani central primary school, Tilde, Toro LGA Bauchi State.


Sahlearn Technology is established to achieve the following goals;

  1. To empower you by giving you qualitative skills and knowledge which will make you employed and self-reliance with best skills and attitude.
  2. To educate you on computer and it technologies using the simplest and fastest method
  3. To make you able to solve the society problems by applying your thought knowledge, think critically and act smartly.
With these, we make our motto to “Set to benefit humanity” and make our theme to “impossible is what we do best”


Sahlearn Technology is made up of the following important departments

  1. Training department: This department is in charge of teaching the computer skills and knowledge for the interested students
  2. Business department: This department is in charge of buying and selling of all marketable items, stuff and stationaries within and outside the institution
  3. Maintenance department: This department is in charge of repairing computers and it resources by anyone needed the services both within and outside the institution
  4. Community empowerment department: This department is responsible to “search and help” everyone that needs the knowledge but lack the support. It first search those in need using a standard means and device a means of how to help them
  5. Sahlearn media: This department is in charge of all our radio and TV programs, by designing and broadcasting an educative, awesome audio and video programs


Sahlearn Technology has the following staffs for smooth operation

  1. Chief Executive Officer (CEO): The number 1 and the final decision maker of the institution. He is the only one with level 10 security clearance
  2. Operation Supervisor (OS): The staff that ensure every staff perform his duty correctly and has the power to query any deficient staff. He ensure that every student and customer is well treated and get what he applied for. He serve as a bridge between the management and the students. He has level 9 security clearance.
  3. Operation Manager (OM): The staff that track, check and report all activities of the institution, He is also in charge of exams settings, marking, printing and it recordings. He has a level 8 security clearance
  4. Instructors: They are the teaching staff that teaches the students what is in their course outline using our methods and within the given time frame. He has a level 7 security clearance.
  5. Programmers: They are the staff that is in charge for our software design and development within and outreach. They also possess level 7 security clearance
  6. Secretary: they are the staff that serve as our receptionist that do the paperwork like admitting, book keeping and accounting, student and staff attendance. He has level 6 security clearance
  7. Media Manager (MM): This personnel upload and manages all our online radio and TV programs, including our website, Facebook, YouTube and Whatsapp profile. He possess a level 5 security clearance
  8. Multimedia Editor (ME): This is a Sahlearn media staff that voice and edit our radio and TV programs. He also has a level 4 security clearance.
  9. Presenter: This is also a Sahlearn media personnel that voices and present our radio and TV programs with level 3 security clearance
  10. Cleaner: the staff that ensure the cleanliness of the entire institution both inside, outside and tools and their arrangement and positioning. He has level 2 security clearance.
  11. Security: the personnel that is responsible for the safety and security of the institution. He has level 1 security clearance.


  1. Build self-reputation by all the staff which leads to the value of our brands and products.
  2. Standard training with good course outline and effective course calendar
  3. Making all the staff to market the institution as part of their duty and entitle for a certain percentage for each student or transaction made
  4. Publicizing our activities, victory and events at Sahlearn media, Facebook groups and pages, Whatsapp groups, YouTube and other social media platform
  5. Making the students to advertise us using their social media platforms by also entitle to certain percentage for each student or transaction made.
  6. Staff and student training programs which is organized by community empowerment department.
  7. Staff and student awarding which is also organized by community empowerment department.
  8. Awarding prominent figures in the society and make them to monitor the success of some students.


These are general rules that cover both the staff and the students of this institution, the rules are;

  1. You must exhibit good attitude at all time
  2. You must always dress decently
  3. You must adhere to all the rules and regulations of the institution.
  4. You must advertise and represent the institution where ever you are.
  5. You should always be friendly to everyone including students and costumers, the kind that will not endanger your work.
  6. You must report any suspicious activities within and around the institution
  7. You must report any late coming or absent before the commencement of your time of action.


  1. As a student you are entitle to receive qualitative computing skills at low cost in less time.
  2. You are also entitle to 8.3% of every transaction you lead to Sahlearn technology
  3. Lastly, you are entitle to 20% discount to every services (excluding sells) you brought to Sahlearn technology


At the end of every module, Student is expected to write a modular exam which consist of 50 objectives questions written and answered on the computer and submit it to view the score instantly, practical exercise and essay exams follows immediately. But you should know that the pass mark for every exam is 70%, so any mark below 70% is fail and you have to reseat that exam which cost you additional N300 for certificate program, N500 for diploma program and N1000 for professional courses per sit. So, we advise you to read hard and write once.


At the second month of your program, there is going to be quiz competition among the students. The steps for the competition are as follows;

  1. Objective questions is given to all the participant and select the first Seven (7) on DAY1
  2. Essay question is given to the 7 participant and select the best 3 on DAY2
  3. Practical exercise is given to the best 3 participant to select the winner among them on DAY3.
You should know that time frame is very important and only the champion takes the award. The award can be Cash, Prize, Scholarship, and learning materials. Certificate is given to the first, second and third position.
So, we advise you to read and understand very well because the questions are applied.
Certificate and internet students are excluded in this exercise.


Field trip is one of the most efficient way of acquiring knowledge, for that reason, we initiate an excursion program for the students with the aim exploring and see how they use computing skills to solve their problems, simplify their work and also use computer to do what human cannot do. The proposed site for the excursion are; Café, Schools, Banks, Hospitals, Telecommunications, TV Stations, Radio Stations and School of health.

You should also know that report should be submitted (about the excursion, what you learn, problem faced and recommendation) a day after the excursion date.

Certificate and internet students are excluded in this exercise.


Here at Sahlan, it is compulsory to every higher student to present or design a project at the end of the program, and the nature of our project most meet the following conditions;

After all the conditions are met, the students now submit the project to the management and the defense will follow shortly after the submission. So you are advised to start thinking and preparing for the project right from the introductory class and consult your instructor before the date of the project.


At the end of every program, students of diploma and professional courses are expected to go for 1 month Industrial Training to a chosen institution. The aim of this program is to acquire and develop additional skills that are not thought in their program and also rate themselves on how good they are. With the new skills you acquire and how you rate yourself, you can know what to improve and what to amend. The proposed sites for the I.T are;

At the end of the Industrial training, student should write and submit report of the I.T to the management.


Legacy is a team work of set of students done at the end of their session, the aim is to produce a tangible positive development to the academy, so you are to prepare to work with your colleagues and make your part. You are to start your legacy at the beginning of your second month


You have to read and understand all the rules and regulations in this study guide because it may be used against you in near future.

As you are aware that the procedure to be in Sahlearn technology is as follows;

  1. You are to only start your program after you make your registration
  2. You are to complete all your registration within the first 2 months of your admission
  3. In case of any schedule of payment, you must put it in writing and clearly said the amount and fixed date of payment with your signature on it.
  4. Payment reminder will be sending to you so that you will pay on the agreed fixed date.
  5. You have to buy all your study materials from the school webstore such as Handout and the software use for your Lab work, Exams and other practical
  6. For an online student, you must make sure you possess all of the following study materials;
    • Smartphone
    • Computer
    • Handout or course book
    • Strong network connection for upload, download and lecture streaming.
  7. For an online student, your class will be holdings on these 4 platforms; WhatsApp, telegram, YouTube and Sahlearn App. So if you don’t have them you should download, install and register yourself. The link for these apps are shown below:
  8. For an online student, the procedure for the lectures are follows:
    • Log into our WebApp and sign for your attendance at the time of your class and screenshot it.
    • Log into WhatsApp class and paste your attendance that you screenshot.
    • Stay on the WhatsApp class and wait for your instructor to begin
    • The instructor will now teach you in Text, Audio and Video format
    • He will be given to you an interactive questions to make sure you are following in which everyone must be responding whether you know the answer or not.
    • He will be given to you written class work to do and submit it in the WhatsApp class
    • He will be given to you written assignment that you will type and submit it in the Sahlearn App in your profile
    • The video class work, assignment and exams are to be submitted in telegram class.
  9. After the class, a video tutorial link will be given to you in the WhatsApp or the telegram class in which is compulsory for you to watch it completely, after you finished watching the video, you tell the instructor in the WhatsApp class that you have finished and wait for your confirmation questions.
  10. Every work or assignment given to you must be done in time, else you will pay a fine of N500 as punishment.
  11. Excuses of no computer, no light, no data, I am not at home and other flimsy excuses will not be tolerated.
  12. The pass make for your exams is 70%, so any mark below that is fail and you have to carry it over at N300 for certificate program, N500 for desktop and data analysis program and also N1000 for professional programs each.
  13. The exams are carryout in the school web app for online exams or in the exams apps given to you for offline exams.
  14. You should know that it’s compulsory to produce a practical project before you graduate, the project must be practicable, not known by most people, must be able to solve general problem, have to be in a book format with beautiful cover and Art Paper and submit 5 copies to the school. The project is starting on the second month of your admission.
  15. Your class will not continue if you fail to do your given work, assignment, exams and research till you finished it.
  16. Your class will not continue if you fail to pay your exams fee, fine fee and any other payment that it due date is elapse.
  17. You must make sure you keep the following details intact for a verification at any time: admission number, admission date, Course, set number, exams score and other relevant information.
  18. You must officially report any lateness or absent with a valid reason 2 hours before the class commence in writing to the school mail address or else you will pay a fine of N500 as punishment. No call or text to avoid network complications.
  19. First week of every month is tagged as the school rules Remembrance Day where you will be checked and balance.
  20. You must have attendance of not less than 80%.
  21. You must wait for your instructors till closing time in case of his late coming.
  22. You expel yourself if you absent yourself for a period of 9 days without valid written
  23. Any kind of malpractice is prohibited.
  24. You must pay your certificate fee at the end of your program which is 3000 naira for certificate, 5000 naira for diploma and 7000 naira for the advance programs.
  25. You are to only graduate only if you complete your registration, exams, project, IT, certificate fee and Legacy. Else your record will be discard a day to the gradation day.
  26. You can only dipper your admission once.
  27. For an offline students, you should not come outside your choosing days and time.
  28. For an offline students, you must be punctual and dress decently.
  29. For an offline students, female must sit separately from male except with condition or reasons.
  30. For an offline students, you should not change the position of any item without permission.
  31. For an offline students, you must pay or repair any tool or materials you spoil or misplace.
  32. You are to take the responsibly of yourself during any field trip.
  33. For an offline students, you must always come to school with your Notebook, pen, handout, course calendar, Course outline, and enrolment manual, else you will stay outside during the lesson.
  34. If you have any issue, you can contact us using the following means.
  35. Write your name, date and sign here _______________________________________________ if you really agree with all these terms and ready to abide by them and the forth coming once



  1. Form fee for every program is 3,000 naira only, except for certificate program which is 1,000 only
  2. For a Regular students, you must be at least 3 in number before your class begin, and has to buy Handout and ID card
  3. For a Scholarship students, you must be at least 10 in number berfore your class begin and it is only on Certificate in Application program.
  4. Each scholarship student must buy form @ 1,000 naira, IDcard @ 1,000 naira, pay legacy @ 500 naira and certificate fee @ 2,000 naira only
  5. Students are to choose one of the following session: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, Friday, Saturday form 10am to 12pm or 2pm to 4pm. or 4pm to 6pm. and 9pm to 10pm. for Online students
  6. Remember, your are free to make payment with whatever you have, be it food items, provisions, accessories and even skill.